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How to make a complaint

  1. Complaints
    We aim to provide a high level of service at all times. However, things can sometimes go wrong. If they do, we will try to resolve your issue quickly and fairly.
    Making a complaint
    If you do need to make a complaint, please let your usual contact at Lycetts know. Alternatively you can contact our complaints manager at:
    Address: Lycett Browne-Swinburne & Douglass Ltd Fifth Floor, Bank house Pilgrim Street Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 6QF
    Telephone 0191 232 1151
    Email: Handling the complaint We will:
    a) acknowledge your complaint within 5 days; and
    b) let you know who is dealing with the complaint;
    c) give you a copy of our complaints handling procedure; and
    d) try to resolve the complaint within 8 weeks. If we cannot, we will keep you informed of progress and likely timescales for resolution.

    Complaints to Lloyd’s

    If your policy is with an insurer at Lloyd’s, you may refer your complaint to Lloyd's. Lloyd’s will then investigate the matter and provide a final response. You can contact Lloyd’s at:
    Address: Complaints Lloyd’s One Lime Street London EC3M 7HA
    Telephone 020 73275693

    Financial Ombudsman Service
    If you are not satisfied with our final response or, if applicable, the final response from the Lloyd’s complaints team, you may be entitled to refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). You can contact the FOS at:
    Address: Financial Ombudsman Service Exchange Tower London E14 9SR
    Telephone 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123

    The FOS will only consider complaints from eligible complainants. If you make a complaint we will give you details as to who can complain.